The Oxford Atomic and Laser Physics seminar series welcomes Dr. Spencer Jolly (Vrije Universiteit Brussel).
Detailed temporal characterization of ultrashort laser pulses has become commonplace in laboratories doing ultrafast science, raising the standard for optimizing laser pulse properties and controlling experiments. Alongside that development, spatio-temporal characterization has become more present as well, with the first industrial devices recently available. The cutting-edge techniques for spatio-temporal characterization provide for the knowledge of the entire 3-dimensional laser field distribution – even when the space and time properties are no longer separable. This has allowed for optimizing ultra-intense lasers used for laser-plasma experiments, and has great promise for controlling exotic ultrafast processes. In this seminar you will be introduced to the important concepts and techniques related to spatio-temporal characterization and hear about some current and future applications enabled by such complete characterization.
Passcode: 640549