12.–14. Sept. 2022
LMU Munich - Garching
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Project E2 – photon photon scattering – progress and plans

13.09.2022, 14:30
Lecture hall (LMU Munich - Garching)

Lecture hall

LMU Munich - Garching

Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching Also via Zoom: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/99131580222?pwd=dlBpTkVLcjVtVXRBZHdPRzlscEtFZz09 Meeting-ID: 991 3158 0222 Kenncode: 300448
Oral Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime


Herr Leonard Doyle (LMU)


The studies conducted during the first funding period led to a proposed set-up for a discovery experiment of photon-photon scattering in CALA (Munich) using two colliding laser pulses at fundamental frequency. In this talk we will give an update on our current understanding of the physics involved in the signal as well as background noise and report on the status of the final experiment design.


Herr Leonard Doyle (LMU) Pooyan Khademi (Helmholtz Institute Jena) Jörg Schreiber (LMU Munich) Matt Zepf (Helmholtz Institut Jena)


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