12.–14. Sept. 2022
LMU Munich - Garching
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Quantum Vacuum Signals in Two-Beam Collision from a Broader Perspective

13.09.2022, 10:45
Lecture hall (LMU Munich - Garching)

Lecture hall

LMU Munich - Garching

Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching Also via Zoom: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/99131580222?pwd=dlBpTkVLcjVtVXRBZHdPRzlscEtFZz09 Meeting-ID: 991 3158 0222 Kenncode: 300448
Oral Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime


Holger Gies (TPI, FSU Jena)


I present results from a study of the collision of two optical laser pulses in a pump-probe setup using beams with circular and elliptic cross section and estimate the number of discernible signal photons induced by quantum vacuum nonlinearities. In this analysis we study strategies to optimize the quantum vacuum signal discernible from the background of the driving lasers. One of the main results is that the collision of two maximally focused lasers does not lead to the best discernible signal. Instead, widening the focus typically improves the signal to background separation in the far field.


Holger Gies (TPI, FSU Jena)


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