12.–14. Sept. 2022
LMU Munich - Garching
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Applications of our Heisenberg-Euler Weak-Field Expansion Simulator in 1D and 2D

13.09.2022, 10:00
Lecture hall (LMU Munich - Garching)

Lecture hall

LMU Munich - Garching

Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching Also via Zoom: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/99131580222?pwd=dlBpTkVLcjVtVXRBZHdPRzlscEtFZz09 Meeting-ID: 991 3158 0222 Kenncode: 300448
Oral Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime Quantum vacuum nonlinearities in the all-optical regime


Baris Ölmez


The calculation of colliding laser pulses in the weak-field limit of the
Heisenberg-Euler quantum vacuum up to three spatial dimensions is
carried out using our Heisenberg-Euler Weak-Field Expansion
Simulator (HEWES). With the aid of HEWES different scenarios
potentially relevant are investigated.



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