Sep 12 – 14, 2022
LMU Munich - Garching
Europe/Berlin timezone


Electron-positron pair creation

Sep 12, 2022, 4:00 PM
Lecture hall (LMU Munich - Garching)

Lecture hall

LMU Munich - Garching

Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching Also via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 991 3158 0222 Kenncode: 300448

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Felipe Salgado (FSU Jena / Helmholtz-Institut Jena)
9/14/22, 9:15 AM
Electron-positron pair creation

Updates on the E3 experiment at CALA and the first background measurements with the single particle detectors.

Katinka von Grafenstein (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)
9/14/22, 10:00 AM
Electron-positron pair creation

We will present an update on project related preparatory studies at CALA.

Building timetable...