CeNS/SFB1032 joint Workshop on Visual Communication

durch Dr. Jernej Zupanc (Seyens Ltd.)


You will learn to visually communicate your complex research ideas and results so your messages are effortlessly understood by any specific audience (scientists or non-scientists). We will primarily focus not on aesthetics but on how knowledge on human visual perception can help you design effective scientific images, slides and posters with a step-by-step method. 

You will design a graphical abstract of your research, discuss it with peer scientists in a group exercise, and get actionable advice and feedback on your own images. It is an immersive workshop, comprehensive, structured, memorable, easy to follow, useful and fun. 


The training is offered as blended learning that combines an onsite workshop and a self-study module

onsite workshop

  • Communicating with scientific vs non-scientific audiences
  • Visual perception and what humans find intuitive
  • Layout: simplifying comprehension through a structured layout
  • Eye-flow: effortlessly guide the audience through the design
  • Colors: how to amplify, not 'fancify'
  • Feedback on participants' materials: you will get actionable suggestions on how to improve your own scientific images and slides
  • Graphical abstract drawing exercise: you will draw a sketch of your research
  • Group peer-instruction exercise: we make groups so everyone learns to give and receive informed feedback to peers.

Self-study module

  • Typography for legibility, structure and aesthetics
  • Slides that amplify messages and don't distract when presenting
  • Posters: strategy and process for creating posters that attract and explain

Trainer: Dr. Jernej Zupanc, Founder of Seyens Ltd.

My goal is to help scientists effectively communicate your ideas and findings and make an impact with your research. Teaching and communication are my professional passions. I read and study eclectically and am always looking for approaches from different fields that can be easily applied by scientists. I distill the principles and practices into easy to understand and fun learning experiences. Time is our most valuable resource and I want the time spent in my training to be the best long-term investment a scientist can make. I’ve worked with over 5000 researchers from 150 excellent research institutions and hope to work with you too.