3. Juni 2024
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Now accepting late news abstracts, through May 15th!


Capitalizing on recent progress and the rapidly growing community working with CrSBr, a one-day focus workshop is being organized to bring together top researchers to discuss recent results and ongoing work. Reflecting the particularly young and diverse community researching CrSBr, the scientific program of CrSBr2024 will bring together highly impactful early-stage researchers and established experts from around the world to build new connections and collaborations.


For more information visit https://www.crsbr2024.de 

Lichtenbergstrasse 2a 85748 Garching, Germany

The workshop will include a total of 16 invited and contributed talks and a poster session with ~30 posters. We encourage all participants to contribute to the workshop by submitting an abstract at the time of registration. Exceptional contributions will be considered for oral presentations. Attendance is limited by the venue size and priority will be given to contributing participants. 

Der Call for Abstracts läuft derzeit
Sie können einen Abstract zur Begutachtung einreichen
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.