In my talk, I will present some recent highlights from my research group in the Clarendon Laboratory, obtained working in partnership with many outstanding international collaborators. These fall under the three broad themes. The first is novel laser-plasma interactions, which include those resulting from twisted light1, ionisation injection for laser- and beam-driven wakefield accelerators2, along with frequency domain holographic3 and compressive sensing diagnostic developments4relevant to future colliders. The second theme is that of extreme field physics using multi-petawatt laser facilities8. These include first principles ionisation processes5, absorption processes and ultra-bright attosecond X-rays from high harmonic generation6, photon-photon scattering in the non-linear QED regime7 and, most recently, gravitational wave generation using petaWatt- and/or megaJoule-class facilities8. We are now extending these studies to those of gravity-wave detection, with promising preliminary results. The third theme is that of inertial fusion studies9-16. All of these studies indicate that an international, dual-use, 20-MJ ICF/IFE facility, with the first 2-MJ at high repetition rate supplying single-shot high energy amplifiers, will open many new exciting avenues for both fundamental physics and high energy density science in the decades ahead.