Bao Tai Le
Celine Stauch,
Lars Linden
(LMU Munich),
Otmar Biebel
(Fakultät für Physik - Elementary Particle Physics),
Stefanie Andrea Götz
(LMU Munich),
Tim Rexrodt,
Valerio D'Amico
(Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
- status of MC production (JIRA):
- reco AOD done for ~all samples:
- fullsim: mc20 a/e, mc23 a/d- still running mc20d (only k2v=1.5 is simulated with fullsim)
- AF3: mc20 a/d, mc23 a/d - still running mc20e only k2v=2 other variations are done
- DAODs production seems already started with all the PHYS and PHYSLITE derivations available on the grid for the done AODs!
- Before noticing the start of derivation production, I produced private DAOD_PHYS of some benchmark samples with partial statistics for test them in easyjet, available on eos:
- fullsim: k2v=1.5 for mc20a (2015-2016) and mc23d (2023)
- AF3: k2v=1 and k2v=0.5 mc23a (2022)