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LPA Online Seminars

[CALA Ultra-Intense Seminar] Launching a digital radiography platform based on a laser-plasma accelerator

durch Francois Sylla (SourceLAB)


Laser-plasma accelerators (LPA) generate ultra-short electron beams (few fs duration) with energies ranging from the MeV to hundreds MeVs and micrometric radial size. By converting electrons to high energy gamma radiation (bremsstrahlung), these accelerators make it possible the inspection in volume of dense and thick industrial objects (motor, landing gears, pipelines…). 
In particular, the source size of less than 50 µm, allows unprecedented spatial resolutions for such massive object radiography [1,2]. A digital radiograph based on LPA (the very first of this kind) is now being finalized at Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (LOA – France) by an consortium of academic and industrial partners lead by SourceLAB. 
I will review the main components of this platform, and cover some important technical challenges we have been facing so far. We do believe the upcoming success of our project will trigger in the near-term the era of extra-academic applications of LPA.


[1] Y. Glinec et al., High-Resolution γ-Ray Radiography Produced by a Laser-Plasma Driven Electron Source , Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 025003 (2005)
[2] A. Döpp et al., A bremsstrahlung gamma-ray source based on stable ionization injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator, NIM A, 830, 515 (2016)