This event is part of the Laser-Plasma Accelerator Seminars. Click here for more information, including data protection.

LPA Online Seminars

[DESY Plasma Accelerators] Optimal beam loading in a laser-plasma accelerator

durch Manuel Kirchen (Universität Hamburg, CFEL)


Applications of laser-plasma accelerators demand low energy spread beams and high-efficiency operation. Achieving both requires to flatten the accelerating fields by controlled beam loading of the plasma wave. Here, we tailor the current profile of an ionisation-injected electron bunch and optimize the laser-plasma dynamics to operate at such optimal beam loading conditions. This enabled the reproducible production of 1.2% rms energy spread bunches with 282 MeV and 44 pC, at an estimated energy-transfer efficiency of ∼19%. We correlate shot-to-shot variations to reveal the phase space dynamics and train a neural network that predicts the beam quality as a function of the drive laser.

This talk is part of a combined seminar session. See also Bayesian optimization of a laser-plasma accelerator by Sören Jalas

Meeting-ID: 996 5994 7751
Kenncode: 582233