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LPA Online Seminars

Recent results on laser plasma interaction at relativistic intensities

durch Victor Malka (Weizmann Institute of Science and CNRS)


Laser plasma interaction at relativistic intensities is a reach domain of research that opens new routes to deliver beams of radiation and particles in a compact and elegant way. Laser Plasma Accelerators (LPA) rely on our ability to control finely the electrons motion with intense laser pulses. Such manipulation allows to produce giant electric fields with values in the TV/m exceeding by more than 3 orders of magnitude those used in current accelerator technology. Controlling the collective electrons motion permit to shape the longitudinal and radial components of these fields that can be optimized for delivering high quality electrons beam or energetic photons. 

To illustrate the beauty of laser plasma accelerators I will explain the fundamental concepts and recent results obtained at WIS, and I’ll show the maturity of our approach in delivering particle and radiation beams for societal applications including for radiotherapy with the ebeam4therapy EIC project.