Frontiers in Physics

Faculty of Physics (LMU Munich)

Faculty of Physics

LMU Munich

Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 8:30 AM
      Registration Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 1
      Welcome Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speakers: Bernd Huber (President LMU Munich), Ulrich Schollwöck (Dean Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich), Ralf Bender (LMU Munich)
    • 2
      Photonic Time-Crystals and Light-Matter interactions therein Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Mordechai (Moti) Segev (Technion)
    • 3
      Gauged Gaussian PEPS: Studying Hamiltonian lattice gauge theories in more than one space dimension using tensor networks and Monte-Carlo. Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Erez Zohar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    • 4
      Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms, Molecules and Photons Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Immanuel Bloch (LMU Munich)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 5
      The interstellar medium of galaxies Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Amiel Sternberg (Tel Aviv University)
    • 6
      Origin of Excessively Bright Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes at Cosmic Dawn Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Avishai Dekel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    • 7
      Massive Black Holes: Experimental Evidence and Cosmic Evolution Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Reinhard Genzel (LMU Munich)
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunch Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 8
      Quantum Optics with Strong Fields Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ido Kaminer (Technion)
    • 9
      Simulating real materials with tensor networks Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ulrich Schollwöck (LMU Munich)
    • 10
      Diffusive relays and how they stop Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ariel Amir (Weizmann Institute)
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 11
      Slow, noise-driven avalanches drive the physical aging of disordered matter - from crumpled sheets to seismic aftershocks Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Yoav Lahini (Tel Aviv University)
    • 12
      Artificial cells in 2D Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Roy Bar-Ziv (Weizmann Institute of Science)
    • 13
      Recreating early Life in the lab Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Dieter Braun (LMU Munich)
    • 14
      Quantum field theory and string theory: rivals or duals? Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ofer Aharony (Weizmann Institute)
    • 15
      Deep Learning and Physics Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Yaron Oz (Tel Aviv University)
    • 16
      Gravitationally Dominated Instantons Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Slava Mukhanov (LMU Munich)
    • 17
      Directions in particle physics Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Abner Soffer (Tel Aviv University)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 18
      Topological Materials Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Roni Ilan (Tel Aviv University)
    • 19
      Thermodynamic probes of strongly correlated 2D moire matter Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Dmitri Efetov (LMU Munich)
    • 20
      Few-photon physics Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann Institute)
    • 21
      Quantum simulation – Engineering & understanding quantum systems atom-by-atom Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Monika Aidelsburger (LMU Munich)
    • 1:30 PM
      Lunch & Poster session Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 3:30 PM
      Free time Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 5:00 PM
      Bus transfer Deutsches Museum Theresienstraße/corner Ludwigstraße

      Theresienstraße/corner Ludwigstraße
    • 22
      Visit Deutsches Museum: Light & Matter exhibition, Optics & Atomic Physics Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 7:25 PM
      Transfer to Restaurant Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 7:30 PM
      Workshop Dinner Valentinssaal, First Floor (Wirtshaus in der Au)

      Valentinssaal, First Floor

      Wirtshaus in der Au

      Lileinstr. 52
    • 10:00 PM
      Bus transfer to Leonardo Boutique Hotel
    • 23
      The recently discovered three black holes in wide binaries by Gaia astrometry Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Tsevi Mazeh (Tel Aviv University)
    • 24
      Self-organised galaxy evolution at the edge of chaos Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Andreas Burkert (LMU Munich)
    • 10:00 AM
      Coffee Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 25
      Lightwave-driven electrons in a Floquet topological insulator Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Peter Hommelhoff (LMU Munich)
    • 26
      What is (topological) String Theory? Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Eran Palti (Ben-Gurion University)
    • 27
      On topological field theory Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
      Speaker: Ilka Brunner (LMU Munich)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich
    • 1:00 PM
      End of Meeting Faculty of Physics

      Faculty of Physics

      LMU Munich

      Lecture Hall H030 Schellingstr. 4 80539 Munich