Jun 16 – 17, 2022
Literaturhaus München
Europe/Berlin timezone

Poster Presentation

We encourage all the participants to apply for poster presentation. Registration to present a poster (both online & onsite) is through the registration form until the poster registration deadline, Sunday, May 1st. The form can be modified at anytime until the indicated deadlines through the link that is provided in the registration confirmation email. The poster registrations by email or after the deadline will not be accepted.

Onsite, we are logistically limited in the number of posters we can accept and in case of high number of submissions a selection will be done. Thus, we suggest all the onsite presenters to also present online.

The poster presenters will receive an invitation to upload poster abstracts on Monday, May 2nd. The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, May 12th.

The online poster presenters, will receive a link by email on Friday, May 13th to upload the poster pdf. The online poster upload deadline is Sunday, June 5th. The online poster session will start on June 7th and last until June 24th.

The onsite poster format is A0 vertical.

For any further questions contact us at emergenceoflife@lmu.de.