9.–13. Mai 2022
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Disorder-free localization in lattice gauge theories

12.05.2022, 11:20
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics


Markus Heyl (University of Augsburg)


Gauge theories play an interdisciplinary, fundamental role in physics, ranging from the study of elementary particles all the way to strongly correlated and topological quantum matter. While their equilibrium properties have been explored extensively for decades, their nonequilibrium quantum real-time dynamics has attracted significant attention rather recently, driven particularly by strong experimental efforts in so-called quantum simulators. In this talk I will show how the inherent local gauge symmetries can impose such a strong constraint so that lattice gauge theories exhibit a new form of localization without the need of disorder. I will discuss how even interacting two-dimensional lattice gauge theories can become nonergodic and I will present an accurate characterization of the associated quantum localization transition. I will further outline the potential to realize new phase structures both in quantum simulators and solid state systems.
