The calculation of colliding laser pulses in the weak-field limit of the
Heisenberg-Euler quantum vacuum up to three spatial dimensions is
carried out using our Heisenberg-Euler Weak-Field Expansion
Simulator (HEWES). With the aid of HEWES different scenarios
potentially relevant are investigated.
I present results from a study of the collision of two optical laser pulses in a pump-probe setup using beams with circular and elliptic cross section and estimate the number of discernible signal photons induced by quantum vacuum nonlinearities. In this analysis we study strategies to optimize the quantum vacuum signal discernible from the background of the driving lasers. One of the main...
Quantum vacuum nonlinearity allows for the effect of laser photon merging in the collision of two (or more) laser beams. As the merged photons origin from a manifestly inelastic process, their energy differs significantly from the background photons of the driving lasers, making them accessible for experiments. However, the number of merged photons is typically considered to be very small.
The LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment) project at DESY Hamburg aims to measure processes in the strong-field quantum electrodynamics regime with high precision by colliding electrons or a high-energy photon beam with high-power, tightly focused laser beam at a repetition rate of 1Hz. Simulations [LUXE CDR, arXiv:2102.02032 [hep-ex]] predict that the probability of pair production responds highly...
The studies conducted during the first funding period led to a proposed set-up for a discovery experiment of photon-photon scattering in CALA (Munich) using two colliding laser pulses at fundamental frequency. In this talk we will give an update on our current understanding of the physics involved in the signal as well as background noise and report on the status of the final experiment design.