For the creation of matter-antimatter pairs from the quantum vacuum via the Breit-Wheeler mechanism, energetic γ-rays and an intense laser need to interact with each other. To successfully implement this experiment with the ATLAS3000 laser in Garching, several goals have to be achieved. The generation of energetic γ-rays can be accomplished by sending a primary electron beam onto a Bremsstrahlung converter. For this, a highly energetic electron beam with high charge is needed. At Garching, we are momentarily working on generating such an electron beam from Laser-Wakefield Acceleration (LWFL) for which the careful design of gas targets, such as gas jets and gas cells, is essential. Additionally, the laser has to be divided into two parts, in order to use one part for LWFL and the other part as the counterpart for the energetic γ-rays from the Bremsstrahlung converter. The splitting into two beams calls for large optics of very high quality, that need to be carefully chosen.