Abstract: Gauge theories describe a wide range of phenomena, from elementary particles and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. However, solving gauge theories with classical computers faces significant challenges. Recently, we performed quantum simulation of a 1+1D U(1) lattice gauge theory using a microscopically engineered quantum device [1-3]. We are now developing a new experimental apparatus to simulate the 2+1D U(1) lattice gauge theory. Our approach involves mapping the quantum link model onto the Bose-Hubbard system [4], and we report progress including the realization of a Mott insulator state and advancements in state controllability. Additionally, we investigate gauge violation in a dissipative system within the large-spin representation. By mapping the vacuum state of the spin-S system to atom numbers on gauge lattice sites [5], we have observed that initial gauge violations, stemming from finite-temperature effects, propagate and cause substantial gauge symmetry breaking. However, we find that the matter wave self-trapping effect can significantly mitigate this violation. Our observation offers a promising method for maintaining gauge invariance in this quantum simulator.
Keywords:Quantum Simulation; Lattice Gauge Theories; Ultracold atoms; Strongly-correlated Systems.
[1] B. Yang, H. Sun, C.-J. Huang, H.-Y. Wang, Y. Deng, H.-N. Dai, Z.-S. Yuan & J.-W. Pan. Science 369, 550-553 (2020).
[2] B. Yang, H. Sun, R. Ott, H.-Y. Wang, T. V. Zache, J. C. Halimeh, Z.-S. Yuan, P. Hauke & J.-W. Pan. Nature 587, 392-396 (2020).
[3] Z.-Y. Zhou, G.-X. Su, J. C Halimeh, R. Ott, H. Sun, P. Hauke, B. Yang, Z.-S. Yuan, J. Berges, J.-W. Pan. Science 377, 311-314 (2022).
[4] J. Osborne, I. P McCulloch, B. Yang, P. Hauke, J. C Halimeh. arXiv:2211.01380.
[5] J. Osborne, B. Yang, I. P McCulloch, P. Hauke, J. C Halimeh. arXiv:2305.06368.