27.–29. Mai 2024
Seeon Abbey
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Andriana Makridou - Dynamical Cobordism and Codimension-2 End-of-the-world Branes

28.05.2024, 11:30
Seeon Abbey

Seeon Abbey

Klosterweg 1, 83370 Seeon-Seebruck, Germany


Dynamical Cobordism and Codimension-2 End-of-the-world Branes

Dynamical Cobordism is an implementation of the Cobordism Conjecture in the framework of Effective Field Theory, with End-of-the-World (ETW) Branes realized as codimension-1 solutions of the EFT becoming singular at infinite field distance and finite spacetime distance. In this talk, I will describe how codimension-2 ETW branes can be realized as intersecting solutions, providing both a general framework and specific examples for this description. From the cobordism perspective, the intersections can be regarded as describing the end of the world for end-of-the-world branes, or as boundary domain walls interpolating between different ETW brane boundary conditions for the same bulk theory.
