DPG Rehearsal Talks 1

    • 14:00 18:30
      DPG Rehearsal Talks 1 4h 30m R328 (Physik-Garching)



      Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching
      Sprecher: Alexander Lory (LMU/ATLAS), Celine Stauch, Christoph Gerald Ames, Edis Hrustanbegovic, Lars Linden (LMU Munich), Otmar Biebel (Fakultät für Physik - Elementary Particle Physics), Youn Jun Cho (LMU Munich)
      • Investigating Shower Generator Dependence of Muon Isolation Efficiency for the ATLAS Collaboration 12m
        Sprecher: Lars Linden (LMU Munich)
      • Separation of HH and HZ final states Using Spin Correlations 12m
        Sprecher: Celine Stauch
      • Employing Matrix Elements with Neural Networks to Search for Higgs Self-coupling 12m
        Sprecher: Christoph Gerald Ames
      • Employing Matrix Elements in the Search for Higgs Self-coupling 12m
        Sprecher: Edis Hrustanbegovic
      • Separating tt and HH end states using neural networks 12m
        Sprecher: Youn Jun Cho (LMU Munich)
      • Testing ATLAS computing resources with HammerCloud 12m
        Sprecher: Alexander Lory (LMU/ATLAS)