Thermalization of gauge theories

04.09.2024, 15:30
B052 (ASC)



Theresienstr. 37


Prof. Andreas Schäfer (University of Regensburg)


Elucidating the microscopic mechanisms leading to thermalization of gauge theories is often advocated as an especially promising future application of quantum computing. What is usually not appreciated, however, is that many other approaches, e.g. lattice QCD, AdS/CFT duality, hydrodynamics, tensor networks, eigenstate thermalization (ETH) have already provided many complementary partial explanations and continue doing so. The talk will try to convey an impression of the existing web of methods and results, in which quantum computing still has to find its precise role. The talk will then focus on one very specific question, namely whether SU(2) gauge theory shows ETH properties. The answer, based on numerical simulations on classical, digital computers, turns out to be affirmative.
