In past years, novel methods for generating ultralow emittance electron beams have been developed, offering compact particle sources with exceptional beam quality ideal for future high-energy physics experiments and free-electron lasers. Recent theoretical work has proposed a laser-based technique capable of resolving emittances below the 0.1 mm mrad regime by modulating the electron phase space ponderomotively [1]. This work presents the first experimental demonstration of this scheme using a laser wakefield accelerator [2]. The observed emittance and source size are consistent with published values. Additionally, it is shown through calculations that tight bounds on the upper limit for emittance and source size can be derived from the “laser-grating” method even in the presence of low signal to noise and uncertainty in laser-grating parameters.
1) A. Seidel et al. PRAB 24, 02803 (2021)
2) F. Salgado et al. PRAB 27, 052803 (2024)