The EU-funded THRILL project (Technology for High-Repetition-Rate Intense Laser Laboratories) [1] gathers the forces of several institutions within a consortium to develop technologies, which will enable the operation of high-energy lasers at increased repetition rates. The overall goal of the project is to identify the most appropriate architecture of the next generation high-energy-laser systems to be used in combination with the large-scale European research facilities Eu-XFEL and FAIR.
A central aspect of THRILL is the mitigation of beam quality deterioration arising from either thermal loading, or increased system complexity due to the cooling strategy (or both). For this aspect, active beam control techniques will need to be employed in future system. Within THRILL a particular emphasis is put on the active control architecture and management, where some level of intelligent automation will help the overall laser system resilience against perturbations.
Here we will give an introduction and an overview of the THRILL project, the consortium and the current status.
[1] https://www.thrill-project.eu/