Laser electron accelerators are emerging as compact sources for high-quality relativistic electron beams, following the increasing demand from areas such as material science, health, particle physics, and astrophysics. Each application, such as driving a Free Electron Laser, requires specific electron beam properties and their stability, both shot-to-shot and long-time scale. As laser...
In this contribution, we present results of an extensive study of LWFA driven by ATLAS-3000 at CALA in Garching, yielding GeV-scale electrons. By monitoring numerous laser and electron diagnostics in parallel during LWFA experiments at a 0.25 Hz repetition rate, we find that, among all parameters monitored, the laser wavefront exhibits the highest correlation with electron energy. The largest...
We present an overview of the ebeam4therapy project at the Weizmann Institute of Science aimed at developing the technology for very-high-energy electron (VHEE) radiotherapy based on a laser-plasma accelerator and focus on the optimization of simulations for the project. A core objective of the project is to reduce the cost of potential medical devices by reducing the required laser energy. By...
In this talk, we will explore the current development of PIConGPU in machine learning-based simulations for plasma acceleration and highlight three key applications. These projects mark significant advances in the integration of AI and advanced data workflows into plasma physics research with PIConGPU. They illustrate not only our current methods, but also our vision for future in-transit...