27.–29. Mai 2024
Seeon Abbey
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Rafael Alvarez-Garcia - Non-minimal Elliptic Threefolds and the Distance Conjecture

29.05.2024, 09:00
Seeon Abbey

Seeon Abbey

Klosterweg 1, 83370 Seeon-Seebruck, Germany


Non-minimal Elliptic Threefolds and the Distance Conjecture

We analyze infinite-distance limits in the complex structure moduli space of six-dimensional F-theory, providing an algebro-geometric classification and a physical interpretation. From the point of view of the Swampland Program, the motivation is to understand the fate of open-moduli infinite-distance limits in relation with the Distance Conjecture. From an F-theory perspective, the infinite-distance limits correspond to degenerations of elliptic threefolds leading to non-minimal singularities in codimension one and higher. We show how such non-crepant singularities can be removed by a systematic sequence of blow-ups of the bases of the infinite-distance degenerations, making their central fibers a union of log Calabi-Yau spaces glued together along their boundaries. We interpret said central fibers as either the endpoints of decompactification limits with six-dimensional defects or as emergent string limits, providing further evidence for the Emergent String Conjecture.
