Collaboration meeting



    • 2:00 PM 2:10 PM
      Welcome 10m
      Speaker: Thomas Kuhr (LMU)
    • 2:10 PM 2:30 PM
      Efficient use, tests and benchmarks of a dynamic caching solution based on XRootD 20m
      Speaker: Dirk Sammel
    • 2:30 PM 2:50 PM
      XCache for grid computing and analysis 20m
      Speaker: Nikolai Hartmann
    • 2:50 PM 3:10 PM
      Towards a Caching Infrastructure for HEP-Germany 20m
      Speaker: Maximilian Horzela
    • 3:10 PM 3:30 PM
      Coffee break 20m
    • 3:30 PM 3:50 PM
      Dynamic Integration of Opportunistic Computing Resources for HEP in Germany 20m
      Speaker: Matthias Schnepf
    • 3:50 PM 4:10 PM
      Tools, Integration, and operation of heterogeneous resources in scientific computing 20m
      Speaker: Stefan Kroboth (Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg)
    • 4:10 PM 4:30 PM
      Interactive Plotting and Deep-Learning-Quickstarts 20m
      Speakers: Benjamin Fischer, Peter Fackeldey (RWTH Aachen University)
    • 4:30 PM 4:50 PM
      High-performance, deep neural networks with sub-microsecond latency on FPGAs for trigger applications 20m
      Speaker: Christian Schmitt (Uni Mainz)
    • 4:50 PM 5:10 PM
      Coffee break 20m
    • 5:10 PM 5:30 PM
      Ephemeral Learning - Augmenting Triggers with Online-Trained Normalizing Flows 20m
      Speakers: Gregor Kasieczka (Uni Hamburg), Sascha Diefenbacher
    • 5:30 PM 5:50 PM
      Realistic Calomplification 20m
      Speakers: Gregor Kasieczka (Uni Hamburg), Sebastian Bieringer
    • 5:50 PM 6:10 PM
      Vectorised Neutrino Reconstruction by Computing Graphs 20m
      Speaker: Dennis Noll
    • 6:10 PM 6:30 PM
      PointNet for event characterization at CBM experiment 20m
      Speaker: Manjunath Omana Kuttan
    • 6:30 PM 6:50 PM
      DL-based PMT photon counting and a normalizing-flow package for (astro-)particle physics 20m
      Speaker: Thorsten Glüsenkamp
    • 8:40 AM 9:00 AM
      Dynamic Cloud for Opportunistic Usage of Frankfurt and GSI Cluster based on HTCondor 20m
      Speaker: Serhat Atay (Goethe University Frankfurt)
    • 9:00 AM 9:20 AM
      Improved Selective Background Monte Carlo Simulation at Belle II with Graph Attention Networks and Weighted Events 20m
      Speaker: Boyang Yu (LMU)
    • 9:20 AM 9:40 AM
      Point Cloud Generative Networks 20m
      Speaker: Erik Buhmann (Uni Hamburg)
    • 9:40 AM 10:00 AM
      IEA-GAN: Intra-Event Aware GAN for the Fast Simulation of PXD Background at Belle II 20m
      Speaker: Mr Hosein Hashemi
    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Deep Learning for the Pierre Auger Observatory and its Upgrade 20m
      Speakers: Jonas Glombitza (RWTH Aachen University), Niklas Langner
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
      Coffee break 20m
    • 10:40 AM 11:00 AM
      Cellular Automaton based end-cap track finder in ACTS 20m
      Speaker: Ivan Kisel (Uni-Frankfurt)
    • 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
      Chi2 track fitting in ACTS 20m
      Speaker: Ralf Farkas
    • 11:20 AM 11:40 AM
      Usage of ACTS (C)KF in FASER 20m
      Speaker: Tobias Boeckh
    • 11:40 AM 12:00 PM
      Feedback 20m
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      PI Meeting 1h