May 5 – 10, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

A permanent magnet system for multi 100 MeV electron positron pair detection on QED experiments at Astra Gemini

Not scheduled


Meštrovićevo šetalište 45 HR – 21000 Split Republic of Croatia


Dominik Hollatz (HI-Jena / IOQ FSU Jena)


We present the development and experimental testing of a permanent magnet system to detect electron positron pairs on high intensity laser experiments at Astra Gemini. These experiments where designed to measure fundamental QED phenomena, like the Linear Breit-Wheeler effect as an example for $e^+ e^-$-pair production from quantum vacuum, or strong field effects like the Nonlinear Breit-Wheeler effect, measured on laser $\gamma$-beam collisions or as part of QED cascade processes, triggered by radiation reaction photons.

Working group Laser-driven electron acceleration

Primary author

Dominik Hollatz (HI-Jena / IOQ FSU Jena)

Presentation materials

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