May 5 – 10, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Fees & Payment

Registration is open until March 31. There are three registration types:

Student 500 EUR
Early bird (payment until Feb 15): 550 EUR
Normal 600 EUR





Registration covers meals and conference costs, but no accommodation. Students are encouraged to apply for a student grant

Note that the above registration fees are only for academic participants. Employees of sponsor companies are charged a fee of 600 Euro for the entire conference or 100 Euro per day. The registration fee for non-academic, non-sponsor participants is 1000 Euro for the entire conference or 200 Euro per day.

Registration fees are to be paid until March 31 (February 15 for early bird) to 

MEDILS, Mestrovicevo setaliste 45 / 21000 Split, CROATIA / VAT no. 91970920228
Bank: HPB – Hrvatska Postanska Banka / Bihacka 2 / 21000 Split, Croatia (also Zagreb)
IBAN: HR49 2390 0011 1003 3168 1

As reference to identify the transaction, please state the conference name, your name and the reference number from the Indico confirmation E-mail (located on the top right), e.g. "LPAW2019 Karsch ref 33".