May 5 – 10, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

RaDiO-Radiation Diagnostic for Osiris: an efficient radiation processing tool for particle-in-cell simulations

May 6, 2019, 7:10 PM
Meeting Room (MedILS)

Meeting Room


Oral Contribution Theory and computation


Miguel Pardal (IST-ID)


Radiation processes in plasmas are extremely relevant for a number of fields, ranging from astrophysics to small scale microscopy. These processes are usually associated with the motion of a large number of electrons, under the action of intense electric and magnetic self-consistent fields and require numerical descriptions in order to be explored. Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes like OSIRIS are able to accurately describe the motion of the individual particles but they cannot be employed to capture radiation emission at wavelengths much smaller than the grid size because of the large computational requirements.
To circumvent this issue, here, we present RaDiO - Radiation Diagnostic for Osiris - which is fully integrated into OSIRIS and is capable of capturing the spatiotemporal properties of the radiation emitted by tens of millions of charged particles. RaDiO has built-in spatial and temporal coherence and uses a sophisticated radiation deposition algorithm that allows for radiation to be deposited in a grid with much higher resolution than the PIC simulation grid.
This tool recovers the theoretical spectra for well-known scenarios of radiation emission, and has been thoroughly tested and benchmarked for typical trajectories associated with synchrotron radiation in the undulator and wiggler regimes.
In addition, we show that our algorithm strongly reduces the computational requirements associated with radiation simulations in three-dimensions, allowing for an accurate description of physical processes up to very high frequencies in 3D. As an illustration, we will explore the spatiotemporal betatron radiation profile in plasma based acceleration.

Working group Theory and computation

Primary authors

Miguel Pardal (IST-ID) Prof. Ricardo Fonseca (GoLP/IPFN Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal) Jorge Vieira (Instituto Superior Técnico)

Presentation materials