May 5 – 10, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Beam diagnostics for high brightness beams at FACET-II

May 8, 2019, 2:30 PM
Main Hall (MedILS)

Main Hall


Oral Contribution Diagnostics


Douglas Storey (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


When it comes online later this fall, FACET-II will begin delivering 10 GeV beams with up to 300 kA peak current and bunch lengths less than 1 µm for a broad range of experiments in advanced accelerator R&D and other novel research directions. Such extreme beam intensities will make diagnostics particularly challenging for FACET-II. Key to the plasma wakefield experimental program is the ability to determine emittance preservation of bunches with their energy doubled by plasma wakefield acceleration. Single shot emittance measurements will be performed using the so-called butterfly emittance measurement which exploits the chromatic focusing of the beam spot size with energy in the spectrometer beamline to extract the emittance with sub mm-mrad accuracy. In order to fully diagnose the parameters of the incoming beams on a shot by shot basis in a nondestructive manner requires the development of novel non-intercepting diagnostics such as edge radiation monitors and a machine learning driven virtual diagnostic of the electron beam phase space. We will discuss these and other diagnostics techniques relevant to high brightness beams at FACET-II.

Working group Diagnostics

Primary authors

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