5.–10. Mai 2019
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Algorithmic ultrafast imaging

08.05.2019, 14:50
Main Hall (MedILS)

Main Hall


Oral Contribution Diagnostics


Robin Wang (University of Oxford)


A single-shot hyperspectral camera has been built and a single-shot ultrafast videography protocol has been developed. The camera is capable of retrieving three dimensions of information (two spatial dimensions along with a time or spectral dimension) from a two-dimensional signal of a conventional CCD camera. The third dimension is retrieved using a combination of compressed sensing along with the spatial and spectral modulation of an incoming signal.

Time resolution using the camera is achieved by passing a chirped probe pulse through a temporally interesting event. The compressed sensing algorithm then reconstructs a hyperspectral datacube, where slices of the datacube that are lower frequency (redder) will correspond to an earlier point in time while higher frequency slices (more blue) correspond to a later point in time. We expect to capture a video at tens of trillions frames per second.

Working group Diagnostics


Robin Wang (University of Oxford) Dr. Muhammad Kasim (University of Oxford) Dr. James Holloway (University of Oxford) Herr Alexander Picksley (University of Oxford) Herr Ramy Aboushelbaya (University of Oxford) Marko Mayr (University of Oxford) Herr Alexander Savin (University of Oxford) Herr Benjamin Spier (University of Oxford) Prof. Peter Norreys (University of Oxford)


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