We report here on first observations of spontaneous undulator radiation after a 10-m long transport line using a Laser-plasma acceleration (LPA). The line verses to manipulate the singular properties of the produced electron beams (as energy spread, divergence) before being used for lightsource applications. The COXINEL* transport beam line transport and focus a LPA beam in a 2-m long in-vacuum low gap (down to 4.5 mm) undulator.
The angulo-spectral undulator radiation distribution is characterized using an imaging UV spectrometer.
Besides the wavelength tuneability with the gap variation, we show that the radiation pattern signature provides an insight of the electron beam quality and of the transport. The radiation pattern signature is illustrated in the case of the dependence with the energy spread (modified by introducing a slit in a magnetic chicane). These observations pave the way towards LPA based Free Electron Laser.
- COXINEL: ERC Advanced Grant 340015
Working group | Invited plenary talk |