May 5 – 10, 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Towards an all-optical Thomson source for X-ray flourescence imaging

May 8, 2019, 4:00 PM
Meeting Room (MedILS)

Meeting Room



Dr Kristjan Poder (DESY)


Laser wakefield accelerators can provide a very compact source of electron beams, which when combined with intense laser pulses result in a versatile X-ray source. Of particular interest for medical imaging are X-rays in the 50-100 keV energy range, high enough energy to penetrate through human-sized objects. Such beams also form the basis of an all optical Thomson source for X-ray Fluorescence Imaging (XFI) of (functionalized) gold-nanoparticles (F. Grüner et al., Sci. Rep. 8, 16561 (2018)). Experimental progress towards realising such a source for XFI with gold nanoparticles is presented, with simulation studies of using an active plasma lens to restrict the radiation spectrum detailed.

Working group Secondary radiation generation & applications

Primary authors

Dr Kristjan Poder (DESY) Mr Simon Bohlen (DESY) Ms Theresa Staufer (Uni Hamburg/DESY) Mr Martin Meisel (Uni Hamburg/DESY) Dr Theresa Bruemmer (DESY) Prof. Florian Gruener (Uni Hamburg/DESY) Dr Jens Osterhoff (DESY)

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