QuantHEP2024 Munich is a conference bringing together researchers and students in the fields of quantum technologies for high-energy physics, which includes quantum simulation and numerical methods for probing high-energy phenomena. The meeting will take place in Munich from September 2nd until September 5th at the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The goal of the conference is the discussion and exchange of ideas related to the latest developments in the field.
Zohreh Davoudi (University of Maryland), Fabian Grusdt (LMU), Jad C. Halimeh (LMU, MPQ), Karl Jansen (DESY), Henry Lamm (Fermilab)
Abstract: Gauge theories describe a wide range of phenomena, from elementary particles and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. However, solving gauge theories with classical computers faces significant challenges. Recently, we performed quantum simulation of a 1+1D U(1) lattice gauge theory using a microscopically engineered quantum device [1-3]. We are now developing a new experimental apparatus to simulate the 2+1D U(1) lattice gauge theory. Our approach involves mapping the quantum link model onto the Bose-Hubbard system [4], and we report progress including the realization of a Mott insulator state and advancements in state controllability. Additionally, we investigate gauge violation in a dissipative system within the large-spin representation. By mapping the vacuum state of the spin-S system to atom numbers on gauge lattice sites [5], we have observed that initial gauge violations, stemming from finite-temperature effects, propagate and cause substantial gauge symmetry breaking. However, we find that the matter wave self-trapping effect can significantly mitigate this violation. Our observation offers a promising method for maintaining gauge invariance in this quantum simulator.
Keywords:Quantum Simulation; Lattice Gauge Theories; Ultracold atoms; Strongly-correlated Systems.
[1] B. Yang, H. Sun, C.-J. Huang, H.-Y. Wang, Y. Deng, H.-N. Dai, Z.-S. Yuan & J.-W. Pan. Science 369, 550-553 (2020).
[2] B. Yang, H. Sun, R. Ott, H.-Y. Wang, T. V. Zache, J. C. Halimeh, Z.-S. Yuan, P. Hauke & J.-W. Pan. Nature 587, 392-396 (2020).
[3] Z.-Y. Zhou, G.-X. Su, J. C Halimeh, R. Ott, H. Sun, P. Hauke, B. Yang, Z.-S. Yuan, J. Berges, J.-W. Pan. Science 377, 311-314 (2022).
[4] J. Osborne, I. P McCulloch, B. Yang, P. Hauke, J. C Halimeh. arXiv:2211.01380.
[5] J. Osborne, B. Yang, I. P McCulloch, P. Hauke, J. C Halimeh. arXiv:2305.06368.
We review some recent results on the development of efficient tree tensor network algorithms and their applications to high-dimensional many-body quantum systems. In particular, we present recent results on two and three-dimensional lattice gauge theories in presence of fermionic matter at finite densities. Moreover, we show how to compute the entanglement of formation in critical many-body quantum systems at finite temperature, resulting in the generalization of the logarithmic formula for entanglement to open systems. We present one and two-dimensional simulations of out of equilibrium dynamics and how to implement them on different quantum simulation platforms. Finally, we present a resources estimations for quantum and quantum-inspired for future simulation of lattice gauge theories.
Tensor Network States suggest an efficient, entanglement-based approach, for dealing with strongly correlated many-body physics. Gauged gaussian PEPS (GGPEPS) form a class of such states, suitable for studying lattice gauge theories. Using GGPEPS, one can construct tensor network states describing fermionic matter coupled to dynamical gauge fields, with full gauge invariance, as well as perform efficient contractions and numerical computations, in arbitrary space dimensions, when combined with Monte-Carlo techniques (in a way that is sign-problem free). I will introduce the states, their construction and analytical properties, move to some manifestation of their physical capabilities with toy models, and end with a demonstration of their numerical power, by applying them for the variational study of the ground state of Z2 and Z3 lattice gauge theories in 2+1d.
The ground and meta-stable clock state pair in ytterbium (Yb) provides an excellent resource for applications in quantum metrology, simulation and computation. Being capable of individually addressing the two optical clock qubit states in a state- selective manner enhances the controllability of such systems, allowing for novel methods for state preparation, read-out or Hamiltonian engineering. Importantly, we identified a practical route towards quantum simulation of U(1) quantum link models in 2D with fermionic atoms [1], which further paves the way towards simulations of models with non-Abelian symmetries based on the U(N) symmetric interactions of fermionic Yb atoms. As a first step in developing the experimental platform, we performed precise measurements of several tune-out and magic wavelengths, which allow for an accurate modelling of the state-dependent polarizabilities [2]. We further managed to demonstrate novel cooling schemes using the ultra-narrow clock transition, which significantly enhance the repetition rate of our quantum simulator.
[1] PRX Quantum 4, 020330 (2023)
[2] Phys. Rev. A 108, 053325 (2023)
Ab initio simulations of the Standard Model will require thousands of qubits and millions of gates. Developing efficient quantum simulation algorithms for such settings, which will only be feasible in the era of fault-tolerant quantum computing, demands entirely new principles, distinct from those applicable in the near term. A valuable guiding principle for developing new algorithms is to consider the asymptotic dependence of algorithm costs on parameters such as error, evolution time, and problem size. In this talk, I will review recent advancements in near-optimal simulation of quantum field theories, including recent works on simulating lattice scalar (2312.11637, 2408.16824) and gauge (2310.13757, 2405.10416) theories.
Trapped atomic ions serve as powerful digital, analog, and hybrid quantum simulators for many-body quantum systems using their spin and motional degrees of freedom. Our experiment is based on a chain of 171Yb+ ions with individual laser beam addressing, creating a fully connected device capable of executing any sequence of single- and two-qubit gates, as well as continuous evolution involving the motional degree of freedom. We recently simulated the real-time dynamics of a lattice gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., the lattice Schwinger model, and reported the comparison of different error mitigation strategies for this application [1]. Mapping the bosonic degrees of freedom to qubits makes such simulations challenging. The motional modes of trapped ions are a bosonic quantum resource that can be used directly for efficient implementations. We describe first results from an analog-digital hybrid quantum simulation of the Yukawa model, proposed in [2], that employs motional modes along multiple directions.
[1] N. H. Nguyen et al., PRX Quantum 3, 020324 (2022).
[2] Z. Davoudi et al., Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043072 (2021).
Tensor Networks are among the most promising methods to study quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium. This can be particularly interesting for dynamical lattice gauge theories scenarios, which escape the traditional methods. However, entanglement growth severely limits the simulation of out-of-equilibrium dynamics with standard MPS algorithms. Yet, they allow us to explore physically relevant scenarios, such as collision setups. In particular, we have simulated real-time evolution of wave packets in the Schwinger model, to observe the opening of the inelastic channel and identify the momentum threshold. To detect the product of the collision, we propose several local quantities that could be measured in current quantum simulation platforms.
One of the most challenging problems in the computational study of localization in quantum many-body systems is to capture the effects of rare events, which requires sampling over exponentially many disorder realizations. We implement an efficient procedure on a quantum processor, leveraging quantum parallelism, to efficiently sample over all disorder realizations. We observe localization without disorder in quantum many-body dynamics in one and two dimensions: perturbations do not diffuse even though both the generator of evolution and the initial states are fully translationally invariant. The disorder strength as well as its density can be readily tuned using the initial state. Furthermore, we demonstrate the versatility of our platform by measuring Rényi entropies. Our method could also be extended to higher moments of the physical observables and disorder learning.
A major objective of the strong ongoing drive to realize quantum simulators of gauge theories is achieving the capability to probe collider-relevant physics on them. In this regard, a highly pertinent and sought-after application is the controlled collisions of elementary and composite particles, as well as the scattering processes in their wake. Here, we propose particle-collision experiments in a cold-atom quantum simulator for a 1+1D U(1) lattice gauge theory with a tunable topological theta-term, where we demonstrate an experimentally feasible protocol to impart momenta to elementary (anti)particles and their meson composites. We numerically benchmark the collisions of moving wave packets for both elementary and composite particles, uncovering a plethora of rich phenomena, such as oscillatory string dynamics in the wake of elementary (anti)particle collisions due to confinement. We also probe string inversion and entropy production processes across Coleman's phase transition through far-from-equilibrium quenches. We further demonstrate how collisions of composite particles unveil their internal structure. Our work paves the way towards the experimental investigation of collision dynamics in state-of-the-art quantum simulators of gauge theories, and sets the stage for microscopic understanding of collider-relevant physics in these platforms.
In confining theories, separating two charges results in the generation of new charges that screen the original ones. This process, known as “string breaking”, prevents isolation of individual charges and is one of the fundamental phenomena in gauge theories such as quantum chromodynamics, as well as in simpler models exhibiting confinement. The rapid development of analog and digital quantum simulators represents a promising path toward the ab initio simulation of real-time evolution in these models. In this talk, I will focus on the dynamics of string breaking in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. I will describe the observation of string breaking in the evolution after a quantum quench and in a non-equilibrium protocol where the string tension is gradually increased over time.
Hamiltonian simulation of lattice gauge theories (LGTs) is a non-perturbative method of numerically solving gauge theories that offers novel avenues for studying scattering processes in gauge theories. With the advent of quantum computers, Hamiltonian simulation of LGTs has become a reality. Simulating scattering on quantum computers requires the preparation of initial scattering states in the interacting theory on the quantum hardware. Current state preparation methods involve bridging the scattering states in the free theory to the ones in the interacting theory adiabatically. Such quantum algorithms have limitations when applied to LGTs, and they tend to be computational resource intensive, rendering their implementation a challenge on the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era devices. In this work, we propose a wave packet state preparation algorithm for a 1+1D Z2 LGT coupled to dynamical matter. We show how this algorithm circumvents the adiabatic process by building and implementing the wave packet creation operators directly in the interacting theory using an optimized ansatz consisting of hadronic degrees of freedom in the confined Z2 LGT. Moreover, we numerically confirm the validity of this ansatz for a U(1) LGT in 1+1D. Finally, we demonstrate the viability of our algorithm for NISQ devices by comparing the classical simulation with the results obtained using the Quantinuum H1-1 quantum computer upon a simple symmetry-based noise mitigation technique.
Lattice QCD has enabled the non-perturbative calculation of many static quantities such as hadron masses and form factors. Quantum computers are expected to enable lattice calculations to directly probe the real time dynamics of quantum field theories. Recent developments in quantum computers have enabled the first simulations of gauge theories on large lattices. In this talk, I will review techniques developed to prepare physically relevant states and discuss their implementation in simulations of the Schwinger model.
Collider experiments play a central role in understanding the subatomic structure of matter, as well as developing and verifying the fundamental theory of elementary particle interactions. However, comprehending scattering processes at a fundamental level in theory remains a significant challenge. The necessarily involved time evolution and the with time rapidly increasing bond dimension in Tensor Networks make simulating the scattering process with this classical method challenging. On the other hand, quantum computers hold great promise to efficiently simulate real-time dynamics of lattice field theories. In this work, we take the first step in this direction towards simulating fermionic scattering using a digital quantum computing approach. Specifically, we propose a method based on Givens rotation to prepare the initial state of the fermionic scattering process, which consists of two fermionic wave packets with opposite momenta. With a time evolution operator based on the underlying Hamiltonian acting on the initial state, the two fermionic wave packets propagate and eventually interact with each other. Using the lattice Thirring model as the test bed, monitoring the particle density and the entropy produced during the scattering process, we observe an elastic scattering between fermions and anti-fermions in the strong interaction region. In addition, we perform a small-scale demonstration on IBM's quantum hardware, showing that our method is suitable for current and near-term quantum devices.
In this talk we explore numerical simulations, including Tensor Networks (TNs) methods, to study Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories (LGTs), a numerical framework for investigating non-perturbative properties of Quantum Field Theories. We develop a model-independent approach for constructing Matrix Product Operators (MPOs) representations of one-dimensional quasiparticles with definite momenta, and apply it to Hamiltonian Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) on a ladder geometry. By means of exact diagonalization at intermediate system sizes, we obtain the first excitation band states (the Bloch functions) representing the single-(quasi)particle states (the photons) expressed as entangled states of local lattice gauge fields. We then construct the corresponding maximally-localized Wannier functions through minimization of a spread functional. Once we identify, via a linear algebra problem, the operation that constructs the localized Wannier excitation from the ground state (dressed vacuum), we can express the creation operator, for any wavepacket of such quasiparticles, as a Matrix Product Operator. The aforementioned steps constitute a constructive strategy to prepare an arbitrary input state for a quasiparticle scattering simulation in real time, and the scattering process itself can be carried out with any standard algorithm for time-evolution with Matrix Product States.
Confinement is a paradigmatic phenomenon of gauge theories, and its understanding lies at the forefront of high-energy physics. Here, we study confinement in a simple one-dimensional Z2 lattice gauge theory at finite temperature and filling, which is within the reach of current cold-atom and superconducting-qubit platforms. By employing matrix product states (MPS) calculations, we investigate the decay of the finite-temperature Green's function and uncover a smooth crossover between the confined and deconfined regimes. Furthermore, using the Friedel oscillations and string length distributions obtained from snapshots sampled from MPS, both of which are experimentally readily available, we verify that confined mesons remain well-defined at arbitrary finite temperature. This phenomenology is further supported by probing quench dynamics of mesons with exact diagonalization. Our results shed new light on confinement at finite temperature from an experimentally relevant standpoint.
We explore the first-order phase transition in the lattice Schwinger model in the presence of a topological θ-term by means of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE). Using two different fermion discretizations, Wilson and staggered fermions, we develop parametric ansatz circuits suit- able for both discretizations, and compare their performance by simulating classically an ideal VQE optimization in the absence of noise. The states obtained by the classical simulation are then pre- pared on the IBM’s superconducting quantum hardware. Applying state-of-the art error-mitigation methods, we show that the electric field density and particle number, observables which reveal the phase structure of the model, can be reliably obtained from the quantum hardware. To investi- gate the minimum system sizes required for a continuum extrapolation, we study the continuum limit using matrix product states, and compare our results to continuum mass perturbation theory. We demonstrate that taking the additive mass renormalization into account is vital for enhancing the precision that can be obtained with smaller system sizes. Furthermore, for the observables we investigate we observe universality, and both fermion discretizations produce the same continuum limit.
CERN has started its second phase of the Quantum Technology Initiative with 5year-term plan aligned with the CERN research and collaboration objectives. This effort is designed to build specific capacity and technology platforms, and support a longer-term strategy to use quantum technology at CERN and in HEP in the future.
After a preliminary introduction about the initiative, we will discuss the integration of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) into the High Energy Physics (HEP) pipeline to address computational challenges in the analysis of vast and complex datasets. This talk will walk through main research directions and results from theoretical foundations of quantum machine learning algorithms to application in several areas of HEP and will outline future directions for incorporating quantum technologies into the broader HEP research framework and beyond.
Quantum simulations of the dynamics of QCD have been limited by the complexities of mapping the continuous gauge fields onto quantum computers. By parametrizing the gauge invariant Hilbert space in terms of plaquette degrees of freedom, we show how the Hilbert space and interactions can be expanded in inverse powers of N_c. At leading order in this expansion, the Hamiltonian simplifies dramatically, both in the required size of the Hilbert space as well as the type of interactions involved. Adding a truncation of the resulting Hilbert space in terms of local energy states we give explicit constructions that allow simple representations of SU(3) gauge fields on qubits and qutrits. This formulation allows a simulation of the real time dynamics of a SU(3) lattice gauge theory on a 5x5 and 8x8 lattice on ibm_torino with a CNOT depth of 113.
Due to rapidly improving quantum computing hardware, Hamiltonian simulations of relativistic lattice field theories, particularly lattice gauge theories, have seen a resurgence of attention. Unfortunately, implementing these theories onto digital quantum computers poses a number of difficulties, both theoretical and practical. Part of the difficulty is that gauge theories naturally result in constrained Hamiltonians, with inherent redundancies or non-localities. Another part of the difficulty is that the formally infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of the full theory must be turned into a finite-dimensional one, while preserving the gauge structure and properties of the target theory. In this talk, I discuss the challenges of implementing phenomenologically-relevant gauge theories onto digital quantum devices, as well as recent progress in developing simulations that can be run efficiently. This talk will highlight the importance of choosing appropriate bases for spanning the desired Hilbert space.
Hamiltonian simulation of non-Abelian gauge theories remain nontrivial due to the local constraint structure governing the principle of gauge invariance. Recently developed Loop-string-hadron framework provides a solution to this problem by solving the local non-Abelian constraints analytically - yielding a complete theory that describes dynamics of manifestly gauge invariant variables, such as Wilson loops, strings and hadrons. The spectrum of this new Hamiltonian matches exactly with the gauge invariant spectrum of the original Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of loop-string-hadron dynamics for SU(2) gauge theory in 3+1 dimensions and describe ongoing effort towards its generalization for SU(3), citing the hurdles in doing the same. Loop-string-hadron approach has led to developing analog simulation protocols of the same, developing generic and efficient Hamiltonian simulation algorithm using universal quantum computer and performing calculations using a tensor network ansatz.
Recently there is much attention to a (1+1) dimensional gravity called Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity in various contexts such as holography, black hole and wormhole. When JT gravity is coupled to matter, it becomes much harder to handle the theory analytically. Furthermore, it is expected that the conventional numerical approach by Monte Carlo method is not practically applicable to simulate real time dynamics due to infamous sign problem. In my talk, I will discuss how to simulate JT gravity with matter by quantum computer. This talk is based on a joint work in progress with Rumi Hasegawa.
Quantum fields in curved spacetimes have many tantalizing theoretical properties, for example particles are being produced by the time-dependence of the geometry. I will describe how quantum fields in geometries with spacetime curvature and different cosmologies can be quantum-simulated with Bose-Einstein condensates in specifically designed trapping potentials and with time-dependent interaction strengths. Analytical results for relativistic scalar fields in cosmologies with 2+1 spacetime dimensions will be compared with recent experimental results.
Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian is complicated because of the use of unitary variables. On the other hand, theories such as scalar field theories and matrix models are much simpler because of the use of noncompact variable. We show that we can use the idea of orbifold lattice to describe QCD in terms of noncompact variables. The Hamiltonian is much simpler, and it is almost trivial to write down the truncated Hamiltonian explicitly so that it can readily be put on a quantum computer.
Elucidating the microscopic mechanisms leading to thermalization of gauge theories is often advocated as an especially promising future application of quantum computing. What is usually not appreciated, however, is that many other approaches, e.g. lattice QCD, AdS/CFT duality, hydrodynamics, tensor networks, eigenstate thermalization (ETH) have already provided many complementary partial explanations and continue doing so. The talk will try to convey an impression of the existing web of methods and results, in which quantum computing still has to find its precise role. The talk will then focus on one very specific question, namely whether SU(2) gauge theory shows ETH properties. The answer, based on numerical simulations on classical, digital computers, turns out to be affirmative.
Classical methods for simulating lattice gauge theories generally encounter a sign problem when studying theories at finite chemical potential, theories with a topological θ-term, or their real-time dynamics. Quantum simulations of gauge theories offer a way to overcome some of these challenges by mapping the classically inaccessible real-time dynamics onto quantum devices. In this talk, I will discuss strategies for digital quantum simulations of the lattice Schwinger Model, with a focus on novel approaches to adiabatic state preparation. I will review existing adiabatic Hamiltonians and introduce new ones that mix states across different charge sectors, comparing their efficacy in exploring systems with a nonzero topological θ-term and in studying string breaking phenomena.
Quantum state tomography (QST) is the art of reconstructing an unknown quantum state through measurements. It is a key primitive for developing quantum technologies. Neural network quantum state tomography (NNQST), which aims to reconstruct the quantum state via a neural network ansatz, is often implemented via a basis-dependent cross-entropy loss function. State-of-the-art implementations of NNQST are often restricted to characterizing a particular subclass of states, to avoid an exponential growth in the number of required measurement settings. To provide a more broadly applicable method for efficient state reconstruction, we present “neural–shadow quantum state tomography” (NSQST)—an alternative neural network-based QST protocol that uses infidelity as the loss function. The infidelity is estimated using the classical shadows of the target state. Infidelity is a natural choice for training loss, benefiting from the proven measurement sample efficiency of the classical shadow formalism. Furthermore, NSQST is robust against various types of noise without any error mitigation. We numerically demonstrate the advantage of NSQST over NNQST at learning the relative phases of three target quantum states of practical interest, as well as the advantage over direct shadow estimation. NSQST greatly extends the practical reach of NNQST and provides a novel route to effective quantum state tomography.
Particle physics underpins our understanding of the world at a fundamental level by describing the interplay of matter and forces through gauge theories. Yet, despite their unmatched success, the intrinsic quantum mechanical nature of gauge theories makes important problem classes notoriously difficult to address with classical computational techniques. A promising way to overcome these roadblocks is offered by quantum computers, which are based on the same laws that make the classical computations so difficult. Recent technological developments have made available qudit-based quantum computation on various experimental platforms, such as trapped ions, superconducting chips, and Rydberg atoms. This has further motivated research into applications of qudits in quantum error correction, quantum sensing, and quantum simulations, among other fields. In particular, qudits are ideally suited for describing gauge fields, which are naturally high-dimensional, leading to a dramatic reduction in the quantum register size and circuit complexity compared to qubit-based simulations. I will discuss recent proposals where qudit systems have been used to improve simulations of LGTs in higher spatial dimensions and non-Abelian LGT.
While exciting recent progress in the quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories has been achieved, their scaling remains highly challenging. In this talk, I will present some of our recent progress on exploiting qudit systems, such as recently demonstrated in a universal trapped-ions device. I will discuss a recent proposal to use qudits to simulate lattice gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions. I will further present a theory study and proposal on the observation of fractional gauge fields in multiflavor models. Such fractional gauge fields have been predicted in semiclassical path-integral calculations and play a central role in chiral symmetry breaking, but how their effects persist in the strongly-coupled non-perturbative regime is an open question. As I will argue, quantum simulators offer a unique opportunity to enter this regime and permit extrapolation to continuum results even with existing resources.
The extraordinary advances in quantum control of matter and light have been transformative for atomic and molecular precision measurements enabling probes of the most basic laws of Nature to gain a fundamental understanding of the physical Universe. Exceptional versatility, inventiveness, and rapid development of precision experiments supported by continuous technological advances and improved atomic and molecular theory led to rapid development of many avenues to explore new physics.
A wide range of quantum sensing technologies are rapidly being integrated into the experimental portfolio of the high energy physics community, including atomic and nuclear clocks, atomic interferometers, atom magnetometers, optical cavities, precision spectroscopic methods with atomic, nuclear, and molecular systems, trapped atoms and ions, etc. I will give a review of detection targets relevant to particle physics for which these systems are uniquely poised to contribute. In conclusion, I will describe new efforts in developing a roadmap for terrestrial very-long-baseline (km-scale) atom interferometry for gravitational wave and dark matter detection.
Quantum simulation of HEP has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Nevertheless, there is a continuous need for advancements in the overall simulation framework. I will discuss a specific foundational element - digitization, a crucial method for encoding field variables into qubits. This is particularly relevant for gauge theories with local symmetry and field variables of infinite dimension. During the talk, I will explore the connection between gauge theory digitization methods and approximate error correction codes, present the existence of error thresholds below which gauge-redundant digitizations combined with error correction has better fidelity than the gauge-fixed digitization.
Topologically ordered quantum matter exhibits intriguing long-range patterns of entanglement, which reveal themselves in subsystem entropies. However, measuring such entropies, which can be used to certify topological order, on large partitions is challenging and becomes practically unfeasible for large systems. We propose a protocol based on local adiabatic deformations of the Hamiltonian which extracts the universal features of long-range topological entanglement from measurements on small subsystems of finite size, trading an exponential number of measurements against a polynomial-time evolution. Our protocol is general and readily applicable to various quantum simulation architectures. We apply our method to various string-net models representing both abelian and non-abelian topologically ordered phases, and illustrate its application to neutral atom tweezer arrays with numerical simulations.
A central requirement for the faithful implementation of large-scale lattice gauge theories (LGTs) on quantum simulators is the protection of the underlying gauge symmetry. Recent advancements in the experimental realizations of large-scale LGTs have been impressive, albeit mostly restricted to Abelian gauge groups. Guided by this requirement for gauge protection, we propose an experimentally feasible approach to implement large-scale non-Abelian SU(N) and U(N) LGTs with dynamical matter in (d+1)-D, enabled by two-body spin-exchange interactions realizing local emergent gauge-symmetry stabilizer terms. We present two concrete proposals for (2+1)D SU(2) and U(2) LGTs, including dynamical bosonic matter and induced plaquette terms, that can be readily implemented in current ultracold-molecule and next-generation ultracold-atom platforms. We provide numerical benchmarks showcasing experimentally accessible dynamics, and demonstrate the stability of the underlying non-Abelian gauge invariance. We develop a method to obtain the effective gauge-invariant model featuring the relevant magnetic plaquette and minimal gauge-matter coupling terms. Our approach paves the way towards near-term realizations of large-scale non-Abelian quantum link models in analog quantum simulators.